How To Get GAMCA Medical Slip Online In 2024

how to get gamca medical slip online 2024

If you’re planning to work in a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country, one of the essential steps in the visa application process is obtaining a GAMCA (Gulf Cooperation Council Approved Medical Centers Association) medical appointment slip for the required medical test. The GAMCA medical test is mandatory to ensure the health and safety of both the employee and the host country’s community. n this step by step guide, we will tell you how to get the online gamca medical slip easily. we’ll cover the required documents, processing time, validity of gamca medical token.

Importance of GAMCA Medical Test

The GAMCA medical test is a vital part of the visa application process for working in GCC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen). It confirms that an individual is medically fit and free from infectious diseases. This step is taken to ensure the health and safety of both the employee and the community in the host country.

Methods: How to start Gamca registration process

You can book the GAMCA medical appointment online using any method given below.

  1. By filling a application form on the website.
  2. By sending a message on WhatsApp at +92-325-8497972.

how to get GAMCA Medical Appointment Online by form submition – Step-by-step guide

How To Get GAMCA Medical Slip Online in Pakistan
  • Read the important notice and undertaking carefully.
gamca medical slip validity - Important notice and undertaking
  • Step 1
  • Fill the full GAMCA medical form by providing the necessary details and click next.
Setp 1 - Gamca medical form Fill the required detail for gamca medical appointment and click on next button
  • Step 2
  • Send appointment fee on any of the given payment method on the website.
Payment method for GAMCA medical appointment online - gamca full form
  • Step 3
  • Attach screenshot of the payment before submitting the form.
Attach screenshot of the payment - Gamca Medical Pakistan - gamca full form
  • Step 4
  • Read and accept terms and condition by clicking on the checkbox Submit the application form by clicking on the submit button.
Submit form - - gamca full form
  • After paying the fee and successfully submitting the gamca full form you will receive your GAMCA medical slip within 1 hour. (Note: It can take more time due to any technical error/issue but most of the time you will receive it within 1 hour)

how to get GAMCA medical token online through whatsapp

If you want to get the GAMCA medical slip using WhatsApp, here is the step by step guide.

  • Send a message on WhatsApp at +325-8497972
  • Send required details:
    • Name of GCC country you want to travel.
    • Take a clear picture of Passport first page and send on whatsapp. Your all details should be clearly visible.
    • Marital Status like married, single.
    • Visa type like work visa, family visa, visit visa.
    • If its work visa, then please mentioned the profession name like Driver, Auto mechanic, Electrician, Labour, etc.
    • Medical center city name in which you want to get appointment like Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Gujranwala, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Sialkot.
  • Send payment to given account number and share screenshot:
    • EasyPaisa Account Details:
      • Account #: 03445746805
      • Account Title: Awais Arshad
    • UBL(United Bank Limited):
      • Account Number: 1292274790838
      • IBAN Number: PK21UNIL0109000274790838
      • Account Title: Awais Arshad
    • MCB (Muslim Commercial Bank Limited):
      • Account Number: 1423266341000960
      • IBAN Number: PK24MUCB1423266341000960
      • Account Title: Awais Arshad
  • After sending the payment, you will receive your GAMCA medical appointment slip within 1 hour. (Note: It can take more time due to any technical error/issue but most of the time you will receive it within 1 hour)


Getting a GAMCA medical appointment online for the required GAMCA medical test is a vital step in your journey to work in a GCC country. By following this step-by-step guide and preparing for the medical test diligently, you can ensure a smooth and successful application process. Remember that the GAMCA medical certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining your work visa, so prioritize this step to kickstart your new career abroad.

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